Download---THE MATERIALS P H Y S I C S COMPANION 2ND EDITION ANTHONY C. FISCHER-CRIPPS , Fischer-Cripps Laboratories Pty Ltd ,Sydney, Australia Preface--- This book aims to present the minimum of “what you need to know” about materials physics in a semi-introductory manner. xiii The book is a companion to more detailed books in solid state and materials physics. I hope that the book will provide answers to some difficult questions faced by undergraduate students of physics, as well as serve as a handy reminder for professional scientists who need to have just a brief refreshment of a particular subject area studied long ago. Those readers who have had a science education at the University of Technology, Sydney, will recognise the hands of Geoff Anstis, Bob Cheary, Walter Kalceff, Les Kirkup, John Milledge, Tony Moon, Geoff Smith and Ray Woolcott in this Milledge, Tony Moon, Geoff Smith and...