The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Physics Edit by Robert Batterman
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Physics Edited by Robert Batterman
Robert Batterman
1. For a Philosophy of Hydrodynamics
Olivier Darrigol
2. What Is "Classical Mechanics" Anyway?
Mark Wilson
3. Causation in Classical Mechanics
Sheldon R. Smith
4. Theories of Matter: Infinities and Renormalization
Leo P. Kaodanoff
5. Turn and Face the Strange …Ch-ch-changes: Philosophical
Questions Raised by Phase Transitions
Tarun Menon and Craig Callender
6. Effective Field Theories
]onathan Bain
7. The Tyranny of Scales
Robert Batterman
8. Symmetry
Sorin Bangu
9. Symmetry and Equivalence
Gordon Belot
10. lndistinguishability
Simon Saunders
11. Unification in Physics
Margaret Morrison
12. Measurement and Classical Regime in Quantum Mechanics
Guido Bacciagaluppi
13. The Everett Interpretation
David Wallace
14. Unitary Equivalence and Physical Equivalence
Laura Ruetsche
15. Substantivalist and Relationalist Approaches to Spacetime
Oliver Pooley
16. Global Spacetime Structure
John Byron Manchak
17. Philosophy of Cosmology
Chris Smeenk
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